Jeeping 101

Click on any picture with a border for a larger view!

Now  for most of my trails you can download my GPS track (bread crumb trail) as well as the map of my track. For more info Click Track Info

Airing down Why, how much?

Download a sample of
Jeeping 101
.mpg video. 0.74 Mg
.rm video. 0.04 Mg bad audio

Speed, how fast is to fast?

Picking a line

How to “bump” an obstacle

See a bump video
.jpg video 0.38 Mg
.rm video 0.026 Mg


Sway bar disconnect why?

Ground clearance

All those questions and more will be answered in this video. If you go out and buy a pair of sneakers and rope do you think you can now go climb El Capitan, I suspect not.

However, many people think all they have to do is buy an SUV (throw money at it) and they can go any place they want. Well sorry to disappoint you, but it’s like everything else in this world if you want to do it you need to know how!

This Video won’t make you an expert overnight, but it will get you started with some know how!

To purchase Video click on Picture at right


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Join the adventure of exploring jeep trails around the country!

[Video, Jeeping 101]

[Welcome page]

[Track info.]

The Odyssey

[Odyssey] [Day 8-14] [Day 15 -21] [Day 22 - 28] [Day 29 - 35] [Day 36 - 42] [Day 43 - 49]

[City Answers] [Foliage Answers]


[the shaft] [airing down] [Salsa] [Air Compressor] [Cooking Meatloaf]


[Choke Cherry] [Holy Cross] [Death Valley] [Chili Challenge] [Caballo Mts] [Gila NF Trip] [Titus Canyon]

[Woodpecker Mine]  [Picket Post]  [Box Canyon]


