One of the largest time-consuming activities is producing hot meals. This is even worse when traveling having to break out the kitchen, cook and cleanup is very time-consuming. If you're on the trail with a group of people they probably are not going to want to wait for you. If you're going to be on the rood for an extended period of time restaurant food is expensive and can also be quite time-consuming. Fast food places get pretty boring, not to mention it's not very healthful. So why not cook while you're driving! Actually this is quite easy to do, you can make just about anything you want! I have made hot dogs, kielbasa, Italian sausage, salmon, pork, prime rib, chicken, lamb chops, New York sirloin, zucchini, onion, potato and meatloaf. This cooking is very similar to cooking in a crock pot. Meats come out very tender. There is a drawback to this type of cooking since you're cooking inside the Ziploc, beef always ends up tasting like pot roast, no matter what cut of meat you use!