From this side the hills are all rounded with an occasional out (or up) cropping of rock. Back East we don’t have this type of hill construction, we have soil with rocks big rocks, little rocks, erosion has made our rocks mostly smooth. When our soil gets wet it turns to mud and mud has very little traction. Out here however, the hills are made of fractured rocks mixed with sand. Your rocks while mostly small (now don’t go Texas on me you do have large ones too). Most of your rock have not been eroded smooth yet. Also your rocks are made of different stuff, they have traction! I can climb both by foot and by jeep over obstacles that back east would be impossible to climb. The rock out here is rough like slick rock (sand stone). Now you do have some stuff (nasty stuff) out here that we don’t have, I don’t know the name of it but when it gets wet, it’s slipperier than snot! No joke it’s slipperier than the ice we get on our roads back East!!!
Other than greasewood (creosote bush) and some sparse grass there is not much vegetation.
So off for breakfast we went. The service was so very slow at the Stagecoach, we left and ended up at the Exchange Club Casino + Restaurant down the street. The people were friendly the place was clean, service fast, prices good, food really good!
11.00 AM off again to run Titus Canyon. The road actually starts in NV and heads NE. The road is a rather bad washboard! Fortunately I had not aired up from yesterday’s attempt at Titus Canyon. In about 1.8 miles you come to the park gate (if you are at the gate hopefully its open, for getting correct info from a park employee is tough) as soon as you cross the gate your in CA and the road gets narrower and rutty. Shortly you transition from flaaaaaat to a slight up grade. We could see dust from a vehicle up ahead of us, wondering if it was the ranger who opened up the gate?
Up-up-up not steep but constant. We catch up to two cars (did I mention, the rangers say “4 wheel drive only road?” well it’s not so far) When the road gets into the foothills it is in better shape, a little wider and not as rutty.