I am going by jeep to areas that the “road less traveled” will lead us. I will be going to areas that most people will never see. Down roads that are definitely less traveled. In the past I have been down some of them, from Maine to California, from Washington to Texas. This country has many areas that are still remote and BEAUTIFUL and, for now, accessible. On this web site you will be able to join me and see these remote and fantastic areas. I have, and will visit mountain vistas to take your breath away, While camping at 13,000 Ft, I heard a rock fall down a 800 Ft mountain top at 1:00 AM. I have stood on the edge of a 2,400 ft Gorge (no railings where I go) and looked over to watch a Bald Eagle start at the bottom and soar up out of sight!! I have seen long horn sheep, antelope, bear, scorpions and so much more! You can join along with me! On my web site you will find GPS tracks, waypoint, pictures, maps and stories of the places we go! |
Jeeping 101, Your first Off-roading Video NOW on DVD
A Great Gift Idea... Learn the proper way to off-road!
P.S. Contrary to the TV ad’s That is NOT it, and no he did not make it up. In my video I will show you why he did not make it up! I will show you how you can make it up (and make it look easy)! Click on picture for more info!!
The adventure has started!I’ve been to the Pacific! I have started my trip back Click on Odyssey to follow along |